
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Lecture Exam 2

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Prince George Community College  »  Biology  »  Biology 2060 – Anatomy and Physiology II  »  Summer 2021  »  Lecture Exam 2

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #3
A  vasoconstriction,increased urine formation, and decreased thirst.
B  vasoconstriction,decrease urine formation, and increased thirst.
C  increased heart rate, vasodilation, and less urine formation.
D  decreased thirst,vasodilation, and increased urine formation.
E  decreased heart rate, vasoconstriction, and increased urine formation.
Question #4
A  transverse colon,descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum.
B  sigmoid colon andascending colon.
C  transversecolon.
D  transverse colonand descending colon.
E  sigmoid colon.
Question #5
A  baroreceptors to activate the cardio inhibitory center and inhibit the cardio acceleratory center.
B  baroreceptors to activate the vasomotor center.
C  chemoreceptors to inhibit the vasomotor center.
D  chemoreceptors to activate the vasomotor center.
E  baroreceptors and chemoreceptors to activate the cardio inhibitory center and inhibit the vasomotor center.
Question #6
A  subclavianarteries
B  external iliacarteries.
C  vertebralarteries.
D  commoncarotids.
E  internal iliacarteries.
Question #7
A  Venules
B  Continuous
C  Discontinuous
D  Fenestrated
E  Sinusoids
Question #10
A  Deep femoral a., medial planar a., posterior tibial a., plantar arterialarch
B  Femoral a.,popliteal a., anterior tibial a., dorsalis pedis a.
C  Lateral sacral a.,femoral a., hamstring a., tibial a., dorsalis pedis a.
D  Femoral a.,saphenous a., azygous a., anterior tibial a.
E  Internal iliac a.,deep femoral a., poplitial a., posterior fibular a.
Question #11
A  elasticarteries.
B  musculararteries.
C  muscular and elastic because they have the same dimensions.
D  None of the answers is correct.
E  arterioles.
Question #13
A  internaljugular
B  lumbar
C  inferiorepigastric
D  brachiocephalic
E  internalthoracic
Question #14
A  in veins and is the minimum pressure recorded during atrial relaxation.
B  in both arteries and veins and is the maximum pressure recorded during diastole of the heart.
C  in arteries and is the minimum pressure that is recorded during ventricular relaxation.
D  in veins and is the maximal pressure recorded during atrial contraction.
E  in arteries and is the maximal pressure that is recorded during ventricular contraction.
Question #15
A  decreased autonomic activity that decreases heart rate and constricts blood vessels.
B  increased sympathetic activity and predominantly more vasoconstriction than vasodilation.
C  increased parasympathetic activity and predominantly more vasodilation than vasoconstriction.
D  redistribution of blood flow away from the skeletal muscles and toward the skin.
E  increased autonomic activity that increases heart rate and dilates blood vessels.
Question #17
A  radial; ulnar
B  axillary; subclavian
C  axillary; brachial
D  ulnar; brachial
E  radial; brachial
Question #18
A  nutrients and toxins absorbed from the gastrointestinal system into the blood.
B  bacteria that grow in the large intestine but need to be regulated.
C  hormones that are secreted by glands and must be directed to their target organs.
D  drugs and toxins in the blood so that they are secreted directly into the urine.
Question #19
A  capillaries and veins
B  capillaries and arteries
C  veins
D  arteries
E  capillaries
Question #20
A  Median sacral artery
B  Subclavian arteries
C  Lumbar arteries
D  Posterior intercostal arteries
Question #21
A  Innate immunity, internal adaptive immunity, internal innate immunity
B  External innate immunity, adaptive immunity, internal innate immunity
C  External innate immunity, internal innate immunity, adaptive immunity
D  External adaptive immunity, internal adaptive immunity, innate immunity
E  Adaptive immunity,external innate immunity, internal immunity
Question #22
A  CD4 of the helper T-cell binding with MHC class I part of the antigen fragment.
B  BCR of the helper T-cell binding with free antigen and engulfing it.
C  CD8 of the helper T-cell binding with MHC class III of the antigen-presenting cell.
D  CD4 of the helper T-cell binding with MHC class II of the antigen-presenting cell.
Question #23
A  cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.
B  CD4 +cells.
C  T8 cells.
D  CD8 + cells.
E  memory T-lymphocytes.
Question #24
A  IL-2 released by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.
B  antibodies released by antigens.
C  bradykinin released by antigen-presenting cells.
D  IL-4 released by helper T-lymphocytes.
Question #25
A  memory B-lymphocytes.
B  plasma cells.
C  None of the choices is correct.
D  natural killer cells.
E  helper T-lymphocytes.
Question #26
A  histamine
B  perforin
C  serotonin
D  interferon
E  complement
Question #27
A  stimulate the development of immunologic memory.
B  immediately stimulate cellular immunity to eliminate all of the pathogen in the body.
C  increase the number of natural killer cells while decreasing the numbers of T and B cells.
D  inhibit antibodies from having secondary responses.
Question #29
A  provide aneffector response.
B  are formed.
C  become able to recognize one specific foreign antigen.
D  are activated.
Question #30
A  IgM, which is adimer.
B  IgM, which is apentamer.
C  IgD, which is adimer.
D  IgD, which is apentamer.
Question #31
A  antibodies.
B  white bloodcells.
C  molecules on the surface of pathogenic microbes.
D  plasmaproteins.
Question #32
A  stimulates; increases
B  inhibits; increases
C  stimulates; decreases
D  inhibits; decreases
Question #34
A  Neutrophils
B  Eosinophils
C  Natural killer cells
D  Macrophages
E  Basophils
Question #35
A  in the thymus,spleen, and lymph nodes.
B  in lymph.
C  in blood.
D  on the surface of B-lymphocytes.
E  in external secretions such as tears, saliva, and mucus.
Question #36
A  muscle
B  epithelial
C  osseous
D  areolar
E  neural
Question #37
A  neural support and blood sugar control.
B  blood cell production and endocrine function.
C  removal of fats from the blood and inflammatory responses.
D  endocrine function and neural support.
E  immunity and fluid balance.
Question #38
A  secreted by salivary glands
B  in the lymph.
C  in the blood.
D  ingested or inhaled.
Question #39
A  in the posterolateral region of the oral cavity.
B  lateral to the uvula in the oropharynx.
C  in the posterior wall of the nasopharynx.
D  at the base of the palatoglossal arches.
E  along the posterior margins of the tongue.
Question #40
A  Flat bones of the skull
B  Sternum
C  Long bones of digits
D  Vertebrae
E  Ribs
Question #42
A  Intracellular fluid
B  Blood plasma
C  Interstitial fluid
D  Whole blood
Question #43
Question #44
A  lymphatic cells,extracellular matrix, and an incomplete connective tissue capsule.
B  crypts,trabeculae, and Reed-Sternberg cells.
C  central arteries and monocytes.
D  afferent vessels,efferent vessels, a cortex, and medulla.
E  a hilum that is located intermediate to two lobules.
Question #45
A  originate as closed-ended tubes associated with blood capillary networks.
B  concentrate lymph prior to passing it to larger lymphatic vessels.
C  include layers of smooth muscle for peristalsis.
D  cannot be discerned structurally from cardiovascular system capillaries.
E  filter lymph.
Question #46
A  2; in the mediastinum
B  4; in the mediastinum
C  4; anterior to the laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)
D  2; anterior to the laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)
Question #48
A  active transport protein pumps on endothelial cell membranes.
B  cell membrane leakage channels that allow diffusion.
C  pores(fenestrations) in the cells of the capillary wall.
D  vesicles that move the fluid across the cell (transcytosis).
E  spaces between capillary endothelial cells that are arranged as one-way flaps.
Question #49
A  Lamina propria
B  Muscularisexterna
C  Submucosa
D  Epithelial
Question #50