
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Lecture Exam 3

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Prince George Community College  »  Biology  »  Bio 2050 – Anatomy and Physiology  »  Spring 2021  »  Lecture Exam 3

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  organ
B  axon
C  nerve cell
D  bundle of macromolecules in nerve cells
E  organelle in nerve cells
Question #3
A  All dendrites intact
B  The neurosoma and at least some neurilemma intact
C  At least the entire axon and neurilemma intact
D  At least half the length of the fiber intact
E  At least part of the neurosoma intact
Question #4
A  Threshold is reached
B  A local potential develops
C  A resting membrane potential is established
D  Repolarization of the membrane
E  Hyperpolarization of the membrane
Question #5
A  depolarizing
B  reaching the threshold
C  exiting the threshold
D  repolarizing
E  hyperpolarizing
Question #6
A  Ependymal cells
B  Oligodendrocytes
C  Schwann cells
D  Nodes of Ranvier
E  Satellite cells
Question #9
A  Permeability
B  Secretion
C  Excitablity
D  Conductivity
Question #10
A  potassium; EPSP
B  chloride; IPSP
C  sodium; IPSP
D  calcium and sodium; IPSP
E  calcium; IPSP
Question #11
A  Depolarization of the membrane
B  Threshold is reached
C  The resting membrane potential is reinstated
D  Hypopolarization of the membrane
E  Hyperpolarization of the membrane
Question #12
A  Central nervous system
B  Visceral motor division
C  Somatic sensory division
D  Visceral sensory division
E  Somatic motor division
Question #13
A  Facilitated diffusion of sodium and potassium is faster in myelinated fibers.
B  There are no internodes in unmyelinated fibers.
C  There are more internodes in unmyelinated fibers.
D  Diffusion of ions along the axoplasm is faster.
E  Active transport of sodium and potassium is faster in myelinated fibers.
Question #14
A  somatic motor
B  visceral sensory
C  somatic sensory
D  visceral motor
E  afferent
Question #16
A  It would hyperpolarize.
B  It would become more positive.
C  The RMP would be unaffected.
D  It would become more negative.
Question #18
A  By diffusion
B  Through co-transport
C  Along microtubules
D  Via cytoplasmic streaming
Question #19
A  proteins
B  polysaccharides
C  glycoproteins
D  carbohydrates
E  lipids
Question #20
A  Hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane
B  Depolarization of the plasma membrane
C  Repolarization of the plasma membrane
D  Neutralization of the plasma membrane
E  Drifting of the membrane potential towards the resting membrane potential
Question #21
A  parasympathetic
B  sensory afferent
C  sympathetic
D  motor afferent
E  somatic motor
Question #22
A  The Schwann cell
B  The axon hillock
C  The dendrites
D  The axon
E  The neurosoma
Question #23
A  Potassium ions are leaving the cell
B  Sodium ions are entering the cells
C  Both sodium and potassium ions are leaving the cell
D  Sodium ions are leaving the cell
E  Potassium ions are entering the cell
Question #24
A  A voltage change from 0 mV to +0.35 mV
B  A voltage change from +35 mV to 0 mV
C  A voltage change from -70 mV to -70.5 mV
D  A voltage change from -70 mV to -69.5 mV
E  A voltage change from -69.5 mV to -70 mV
Question #25
A  Down the entire length of an unmyelinated fiber
B  From node to node in myelinated fibers
C  From node to node in unmyelinated fibers
D  Down the entire length of a myelinated fiber
Question #26
A  The axons
B  The axon collaterals
C  The dendrites
D  The neurosomas
E  The axon terminals
Question #27
A  organ systems
B  cells
C  organs
D  organelles
E  tissues
Question #28
A  they are released into the bloodstream before reaching the postsynaptic cell
B  they alter the physiology of the postsynaptic cell
C  they are released in response to stimulation
D  they are synthesized by a presynaptic neuron
E  they bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic cell
Question #29
A  chloride gates are fully open
B  chloride gates are partially open
C  sodium gates are fully open
D  sodium gates are partially open
E  potassium gates are fully open
Question #32
A  An oligodendrocyte cells wraps its plasma membrane around each fiber as it does with myelinated fibers.
B  A Schwann cell folds its plasma membrane around several fibers .
C  A Schwann cells wraps its plasma membrane around each individual fiber as it does with myelinated fibers.
D  Satellite cells cluster around each axon to form a pseudo-myelin sheath.
Question #33
A  Enzymes in the postsynaptic cell break down some neurotransmitters.
B  Neurotransmitters are no longer released.
C  The axon terminal reabsorbs some neurotransmitters by endocytosis.
D  Neurotransmitter escapes from the synapse into the nearby extracellular fluid.
E  Synaptic vesicles secrete neurotransmitter by exocytosis.
Question #34
A  The nervous system releases neurotransmitters between cells, while the endocrine system releases hormones into the blood.
B  The nervous system releases neurotransmitters into the blood, while the endocrine system releases hormones between cells.
C  The nervous system releases hormones between cells, while the endocrine system releases neurotransmitters into the blood.
D  The nervous system releases hormones into the blood, while the endocrine system releases neurotransmitters between cells.
Question #38
A  Somatic receptor → efferent nerve fiber → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → skeletal muscle
B  Somatic receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → smooth muscle
C  Somatic receptor → efferent nerve fiber → interneuron → afferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle
D  Somatic receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle
Question #39
A  pain receptors
B  visceral receptors
C  chemoreceptors
D  nociceptors
E  proprioceptors
Question #42
A  anterior column
B  posterior root ganglion
C  posterior horn
D  anterior horn
E  posterior column
Question #43
A  posterior root of a spinal nerve
B  spinal nerve
C  anterior root of a spinal nerve
D  posterior horn
E  anterior horn
Question #45
A  painful
B  flexor (withdrawal)
C  stretch
D  tendon
E  crossed extension
Question #46
A  Touch
B  Hearing
C  Vision
D  Taste
E  Smell
Question #47
A  31
B  24
C  35
D  62
E  12
Question #48
A  A fracture of vertebra T12
B  A fracture of vertebra C6
C  A fracture of vertebra L4
D  A fracture of vertebra T5
E  A fracture of vertebra C2
Question #49
A  nerve; neurosomas
B  nerve; axons
C  nerve fiber; neurosomas
D  nerve fiber; axons
E  nerve fiber; nerves
Question #50
A  Reflexes are responses to sensory inputs.
B  Reflexes do not require a stimulus.
C  Reflexes are not voluntary.
D  Reflex responses are very predictable.
E  Reflexes are quick responses of the nervous system.