
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Chapter 14 Test MexAmerica

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  California State University, Northridge  »  Geography  »  Geography 321 – The United States  »  2019  »  Chapter 14 Test MexAmerica

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Banking
B  Education
C  Trade
D  Tourism
Question #2
A  Brownsville
B  Laredo
C  Corpus Christi
D  Houston
Question #3
A  Agriculture is important to the economy of select places in MexAmerica, but is not widespread
B  There is very little agriculture in MexAmerica
C  Agriculture is important to the economy of most parts of MexAmerica.
D  Agriculture is widespread and central to the economy of the region
Question #5
A  South Padre Island
B  Galveston
C  Key West
D  Fort Lauderdale
Question #6
A  The Rocky Mountains
B  The Gulf Coastal Plain
C  The Great Plains
D  The Intermontane
Question #7
A  Settlements where people live in trailers, shacks, and other substandard housing.
B  Spanish settlements that refused to move after the Treaty of Guadalupe that were absorbed into the United States.
C  Areas set aside for long-term residence motels for foreign workers.
D  Cities that contain historical buildings from previous Spanish occupation.
Question #8
A  The Rocky Mountains
B  The Basin and Range
C  The Gulf Coastal Plain
D  All of these answer choices are physiographic subregions that make up MexAmerica
E  The Great Plains
Question #9
A  Military aircraft
B  The atomic bomb
C  The electric automobile
D  The computer
Question #10
A  About twenty-five percent of the population is of Spanish descent
B  Native Americans account for about one percent of the population
C  The region includes the entire U.S. – Mexico border
D  The humid and wet climate attracted early Anglo settlement in the region
E  Excluding transitional areas, the region extends into Colorado and Utah
Question #12
A  weapons
B  Steel
C  Petrochemicals
D  Clothing
E  Beer and other beverages
Question #13
A  They began in the 1960s as coupon counting houses
B  nearly 80% of finished goods are re-exported to the U.S
C  The only tariffs are limited to value added during assembly
D  They are mostly Mexican-owned
E  They mostly assemble imported, duty-free components/raw materials
Question #14
A  The Official Texas River List
B  The National River List
C  America’s Most Endangered River
D  America’s Most Beautiful River
E  America’s Longest Rivers
Question #15
A  Utah
B  Nevada
C  California
D  Kansas
E  Arizona
Question #16
A  A young population
B  A small population
C  An urban population
D  A suburban population
E  A very low population
Question #17
A  Earthquakes
B  Drought
C  Flooding
D  Tornadoes
Question #19
A  NAFTA sets up regulations limiting industrial pollution in all three countries, ensuring the costs of manufacturing are similar in each country.
B  NAFTA regulates and enforces protections for workers to ensure that they have safe working environments and fair wages.
C  NAFTA eliminates trade restrictions on products from embargoed countries.
D  NAFTA eliminates tariffs and trade restrictions, facilitating export and import between countries in North America.
Question #20
A  California, Nevada, Utah, as well as parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado
B  Southern portions of Arizona and New Mexico
C  East Texas, which was then the Republic of Texas
D  West Texas, as well as parts of New Mexico, and Colorado
Question #21
A  Western MexAmerica gets more precipitation.
B  Actually northern MexAmerica gets more rain than southern MexAmerica.
C  Precipitation is fairly even from east to west.
D  Eastern MexAmerica gets more precipitation.
Question #22
A  Arizona
B  All three states have about the same percentage of Latino residents
C  Texas
D  New Mexico
Question #23
A  Agriculture is widespread throughout MexAmerica because of the region’s rich soils
B  In the northern part of the region where there is more regular precipitation
C  Near the Rio Grande in the eastern portion of MexAmerica and the Arizona portion of the Colorado River, in the western part of the region
D  In the southern part of the region where it is warm enough to grow frost intolerant crops Students may not think “b” is a viable answers unless center(s) is referenced in the question.
Question #24
A  Tucson
B  Scottsdale
C  Sun City
D  Phoenix
Question #25
A  It helped increase U.S.-Mexican border integration
B  It resulted in the creation of the so-called ‘twin city’ phenomenon
C  It increased the flow of Mexican shoppers into the U.S. searching for goods unavailable in Mexico
D  It resulted in the creation of a special tariff class for the maquiladoras
E  It increased the flow of American retirees into Mexico
Question #26
A  Near the Gulf of California
B  Near the Rio Grande River
C  Near the Grand Canyon
D  Near the Sierra Madres
Question #27
A  Sun City
B  Scottsdale
C  Phoenix
D  Tucson
Question #28
A  They pack cooling mud on and within their shells.
B  They spend much of their lives underground in burrows.
C  Stay underwater, using waterholes and rivers to cool down.
D  They sweat to cool down.
Question #29
A  The leading maquiladora activity is the assembly of garment and textile products
B  Many of the world’s leading automobile companies operate maquiladoras
C  Per capita incomes in Mexico are highest in the state of Nuevo Leon
D  Since the founding of the first maquiladoras, the average number of births per woman in Mexico have increased
E  El Paso’s ‘twin city’ is Juarez
Question #30
A  San Antonio
B  Las Cruces
C  Santa Fe
D  Albuquerque
Question #31
A  At the end of the Mexican War, the total mexican population in the U.S. was around 82,500
B  One of the major PUSH factors related to Mexican immigration into the U.S. is widespread unemployment in Mexico
C  The first Spanish settlements were in the Upper Rio Grande Valley before 1700
D  The Hispanic population in New Mexico is centered in the northern parts of the state as opposed to the border areas
E  Spanish settlement of California began in the mid-1600s
Question #32
A  They are able to hire Mexican workers for much lower wages than they would have to pay American workers.
B  These areas often have lax child-labor laws which allow workers as young as 12 to work in factories.
C  These areas subscribe to no country’s laws on pollution.
D  Companies in these areas have to pay no corporate income tax.
Question #34
A  NAFTA established a trade agreement between Mexico, Canada and the U.S.
B  NAFTA was established in 1994
C  NAFTA created more jobs for Mexicans
D  Mexican exports to the US and Canada decreased but imports from Canada and the U.S. increased
E  NAFTA standardized finance and service exchanges