
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

RTS Week 6

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  West Coast University  »  Pathophysiology  »  Pathophysiology 370 – Pathophysiology  »  Fall 2020  »  RTS Week 6

Need help with your exam preparation?

Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Erythropoietin
B  Parathyroid hormone
C  Aldosterone
D  Angiotensin I
Question #2
A  Tachycardia
B  Enuresis
C  Hematuria
D  Flank pain
E  Intermittent pain
Question #3
A  During perimenopause
B  During the reproductive years
C  During the years after menopause
D  During pregnancy
Question #4
A  Hypertension
B  Young age
C  Diabetes mellitus
D  Advanced age
E  Atherosclerosis
Question #6
A  Crystals in the urine
B  Protein in the urine
C  Increased serum calcium
D  Increased serum phosphorus
Question #7
A  Phimosis
B  Testicular torsion
C  Hydrocele
D  Epididymitis
Question #8
A  Colicky pain
B  Proteinuria
C  Coffee-colored urine.
D  Periorbital edema
E  Hypotension
Question #9
A  Weak urine flow
B  Low back pain
C  Hesitancy
D  Incomplete bladder emptying
E  Urgency
Question #10
A  Inflammation
B  Irregular estrogen production
C  Ovarian immaturity
D  Tumors
Question #11
A  Infection caused by Streptococcus
B  Trauma to the kidney
C  Obstructive pathology
D  Antigen-antibody complexes
Question #12
A  Urinary frequency
B  Pain in the suprapubic area
C  Hematuria
D  Cloudy urine
E  Dysuria
Question #13
A  An undescended testis
B  A misplaced urethral meatus opening
C  An undersized penis
D  Foreskin that is not in its normal position
Question #14
A  A cancer of the endometrial lining of the uterus
B  An abnormal endometrial proliferation due to unopposed estrogen stimulation
C  the presence of endometrial tissue outside the lining of the uterine cavity
D  An inflammatory condition of the endometrium
Question #15
A  Mixed incontinence
B  Overflow incontinence
C  Stress incontinence
D  Urge incontinence
Question #16
A  Bilaterally enlarged kidneys
B  Atrophic kidneys with diffuse scarring
C  Inflammation of the renal capsule
D  Multiple dilation of the collecting ducts
Question #17
A  Nephron damage
B  Blood loss
C  Obstruction
D  Dehydration
Question #18
A  Pregnancy
B  Neurogenic bladder
C  Diabetes
D  Catheterization
E  Viral infection
F  Urinary obstruction
Question #19
A  Hypertension
B  Congestive heart failure
C  Diabetes mellitus
D  Infection
Question #20
A  Menorrhagia
B  Polymenorrhea
C  Metrorrhagia
D  Oligomenorrhea