
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Exam 1

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Irvine Valley College  »  Sociology  »  Sociology 1 – Introduction to Sociology  »  Fall 2020  »  Exam 1

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #3
A  The removal of personal feelings from a professional situation.
B  The authoritarian devalue of an employee .
C  A status-based regime in which advancement is unlikely.
D  A bureaucracy where membership and advancement is based on proven and documented skills.
Question #5
A  Impersonality
B  Personality-based promotion
C  Explicit rules
D  Clear division of labor
Question #6
A  A bureaucracy
B  A total institution
C  A coercive organization
D  A normative organization
Question #7
A  A primary group is large and impersonal; a secondary group is small, consisting of emotional, face-to-face relationships.
B  A primary group is small and impersonal; a secondary group is large and consists of face-to-face relationships.
C  A primary group is small, consisting of emotional face-to-face relationships; a secondary group is larger and impersonal.
D  A primary group is large and impersonal; a secondary group is small and purely instrumental in function.
Question #10
A  An incomplete institution
B  A total institution
C  A psychological phenomenon that is outside the realm of sociological study
D  An excellent cross section of the population
Question #12
A  Buying Sarah a toy kitchen to play with.
B  Taking Jimmy to the aquarium.
C  Letting Kim wear pants to school.
D  Allowing Joey to sleep with his “blankey.”
Question #14
A  The media encourages society to base their appearances on visible public figures.
B  Self-esteem is directly correlated with body image.
C  People base their images on how they think other people see them.
D  Personal identity isn’t influenced by outside social forces.
Question #15
A  Alex takes a sabbatical from his job as a professor of Molecular Biology to raise his two young children.
B  Becca returns to work after giving birth to her daughter, finding it difficult to act as mother, wife, and executive.
C  Krista lands a role on Days of Our Lives and begins receiving fan mail from fans across the country.
D  Derek attends law school and becomes a lawyer, though he dreams of one day becoming the next John Grisham.
Question #16
A  The looking-glass self
B  Ascribed status
C  Achieved status
D  The Thomas Theorem
Question #17
A  Hunter-gatherer; Pastoral; Agricultural; Horticultural
B  Pastoral; Agricultural, Hunter-gatherer; Horticultural
C  Pastoral; Hunter-gatherer; Horticultural; Agricultural
D  Hunter-gatherer; Pastoral; Horticultural; Agricultural
Question #18
A  Though encouraged by his parents to audition for Julliard, Jose believes he isn’t good enough to attend. After his audition, he expresses this reluctance to the admissions committee. They don’t admit him due to his lack of certainty.
B  Kevin sprained his ankle a month before a marathon. Though his trainer advises him not to participate, Kevin runs the marathon and places third.
C  Morgan overhears a professor predicting the economic recession will prevent entry-level graduates from finding gainful employment. Morgan goes on interviews but doesn’t bother preparing, convinced it’s a waste of time. Morgan appears unprofessional and is not hired.
D  Charlotte is an intelligent teenager, but told by her step-sisters and cousins that she’s destined to a life of poverty and failure. Charlotte begins to do poorly in school, and eventually drops out.
Question #20
A  The disco invasion of the 1970’s
B  The yuppie craze of the 1980’s
C  The Kardashian obsession of the 2010’s
D  The hippie movement of the 1960’s
Question #21
A  Paying taxes
B  Driving on the right hand side of the road
C  Making eye contact while speaking
D  Crossing streets on cross-walks
Question #22
A  The tenets or convictions that people hold to be true.
B  A culture’s standard for discerning what’s good and just in society.
C  Federal laws and regulations.
D  Scripture found within the Bible.
Question #23
A  Conducting a literature review prior to conducting an experiment
B  Using a control group and an experimental group during observation
C  Observing study participants without their consent
D  Drawing conclusions from a study which the hypothesis did not predict
Question #24
A  The more study halls students are given during the school day, the worse they perform on their tests.
B  The more CDs Jamilla buys, the less money she has in her bank account
C  The more positive reinforcement a parent gives a child, the better they do in school.
D  The longer an inmate spends in prison, the more difficult it is for him to adapt to the outside world.
Question #25
A  Independent variable: Number of laptops; Dependent variable: Grades
B  Independent variable: Grades; Dependent variable: Number of laptops
C  Independent variable: John; Dependent variable: Grades
D  Independent variable: Grades; Dependent variable: John
Question #27
A  In-depth interviews, focus groups, and/or analysis of content sources as the source of its data.
B  Door to door sales pitches, cold calls, and press conferences.
C  Virtual interactivity, online polls, and online gaming.
D  Statistical methods such as surveys with large numbers of participants.
Question #30
A  The training had little effect, and Genie lived a primitive lifestyle.
B  Genie was able to achieve a normal intellectual level after two years of training.
C  Genie died before the training could have an effect.
D  Genie surpassed the intellectual level of other children her age after two years of training.
Question #31
A  children cry when they see aggressive behavior.
B  children imitate the aggressive behavior that they observe.
C  girls do not imitate aggressive behavior.
D  children do not imitate the aggressive behavior that they observe.
Question #32
A  parenting
B  socialization
C  social environment
D  heredity
Question #33
A  associated with behavioral and academic problems.
B  can be explained by social learning theory.
C  is correlated to poverty.
D  all of the above.
Question #34
A  weapons, clothing, folkways
B  jewelry, art, hairstyles
C  beliefs, values, norms
D  mores, sanctions, machines
Question #35
A  Those who prefer to believe what they were taught or have “no interest in human beings” will not appreciate sociology.
B  Sociology is interested in the “doings of men” and observing individuals in their “natural habitat”.
C  A sociologist wants to understand the lives of others “on the other side of the river” and wants to understand what is going on “behind closed doors”.
D  A sociologist is a unique social scientist that rarely encounters other social scientists such as the historian, anthropologist, or psychologist.
Question #37
A  the functionalist perspective
B  the conflict perspective
C  the symbolic interactionist perspective
D  the neo-conflict perspective
Question #38
A  the neo-conflict perspective
B  structural functionalist theory /perspective
C  symbolic interactionist theory/perspective
D  conflict theory/perspective
Question #39
A  structural functionalism
B  functional analysis
C  conflict theory
D  symbolic interactionism
Question #40
A  Jim Jones told his followers that he was God (symbolized God) which is part of the symbolic interactionist perspective.
B  From a conflict perspective Jim Jones took advantage of the disadvantaged individuals in society.
C  Jim Jones and Jonestown provided all of the functions of religion to his followers.
D  all of the above are correct.
Question #41
A  Select a topic and review the literature.
B  Analyze and share the results.
C  Choose a research method and collect the data.
D  all of the above are steps in the social research process.
Question #42
A  identify patterns of behavior
B  study external factors that affect individuals
C  describe, explain, and predict human behavior
D  none of the above are goals of sociology
E  all of the above are goals of sociology
Question #43
A  Most people conform to social norms, even when told to deviate from them by persons in authority.
B  Some people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority.
C  Electric shock treatments improve students’ abilities to learn.
D  Only emotionally disturbed persons enjoy inflicting pain on others.
Question #44
A  Americans are highly individualistic and reluctant to conform to group pressure.
B  Younger people are more susceptible to group pressure than older adults.
C  Because of group pressure, most people are willing to say things they know are not true.
D  Women are more susceptible to group pressure than men.
Question #45
A  the impact social forces has on people’s lives
B  viewing events, issues, and the world from a sociological perspective
C  an understanding of others in relation to history and the social structure of society
D  all of the above
Question #46
A  anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, and political science
B  family, religion, education, economics, and politics
C  family, government, police, courts, and prisons
D  nutrition, exercise, rest, well-being, and financial security
Question #47
A  a science that focuses on the mental processes of individuals.
B  a science focused on the distribution of the material goods and services of a society.
C  a science that studies society, social interaction, and the external factors that influence groups of individuals.
D  a group of several academic disciplines designed to understand the social world
Question #48
A  Social forces affect how social we become and the amount of social interactions we have with others.
B  Social forces include history, culture, and environment and are found to impact our behaviors and the decisions we make.
C  Social forces have NOT been found to contribute to the decisions we make or our behaviors.
D  all of the above
Question #49
A  Samantha is a part of an oligarchy.
B  Samantha is in a voluntary association.
C  Samantha works in a bureaucracy.
D  Samantha works in a non-profit organization.
Question #50
A  Religion is the foundation of government.
B  Religion is used to legitimate social inequality.
C  Religion can provide everyday guidelines for living.
D  Religion clouds people’s rational judgment.
Question #54
A  credentialism of society
B  McDonaldization of society
C  rationalization of society
D  bureaucratization of society
Question #55
A  participant observation
B  content analysis
C  survey research
D  experimental design
Question #56
A  Structural Functionalism
B  Conflict Theory
C  Social Exchange Theory
D  Symbolic Interactionism