Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Valley College » Political Science » Political Science 001 – The Government of the United States » Fall 2021 » Chapter 9 and 10 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A open seats in the House of Representatives
B cabinet secretaries
C open Senate seats
D all state Supreme Court justices
Question #2
A violates the Constitution by violating the separation of powers.
B substantially reduces the power of the federal government compared to state governments.
C substantially enhances the importance of the presidency.
D substantially reduces the importance of the presidency.
Question #3
A two-thirds of both houses of Congress
B three-fourths of both houses of Congress
C a unanimous vote of both houses of Congress
D a majority of both houses of Congress
Question #4
A dual executive theory.
B unitary executive theory.
C unlimited executive theory.
D totalitarian executive theory.
Question #5
A president requires the federal court’s approval before using troops in domestic disturbances.
B use of the president’s emergency powers against domestic disorder necessitates a request by the governor of the state in question.
C president may make unilateral use of the emergency powers to protect states against domestic disorder.
D president needs congressional authorization to use troops in both domestic and international situations.
Question #6
A Expressed
B Implied
C Inherent
D Delegated
Question #7
A 500 to 750
B 25 to 50
C 1,500 to 2,000
D 5,000 to 7,500
Question #8
A must state the constitutional or statutory basis for their use of executive orders.
B must secure “pre-clearance” from the federal judiciary for their use of executive orders.
C are not required to explain the constitutional or statutory basis for their use of executive orders.
D must obtain a “consent decree” from the Senate before they use executive orders.
Question #9
A bridge the gap between the White House and Congress.
B promote bipartisanship with members of the opposing political party.
C draw negative attention away from the president during times of crisis.
D bring the president votes in the election from a group or region that would not otherwise be a likely source of support.
Question #10
A Dolley Madison
B Laura Bush
C Eleanor Roosevelt
D Hillary Clinton
Question #11
A more responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent.
B less responsive to the needs of the elites in the states they represent.
C more responsive to the needs of the elites in the states they represent.
D less responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent.
Question #12
A apportionment
B redistricting.
C redlining.
D gerrymandering.
Question #13
A prosecuting attorney.
B defense attorney.
C grand jury.
D trial jury.
Question #14
A must always include members from all three branches of government.
B are only likely to include members from all three branches of government when control of Congress is divided.
C must always include members from both political parties.
D are only likely to include members from both political parties when control of Congress is divided.
Question #15
A they determine the number of seats on each congressional committee.
B they are placed in charge of redistricting after every census.
C they determine what conduct is ethically appropriate for elected representatives and what the penalties associated with inappropriate conduct will be.
D they decide how much funding various programs will receive and how the money will be spent.
Question #16
A Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover
B Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford
C Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton
D Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon
Question #17
A a simple majority vote in both chambers
B a two-thirds vote in both chambers
C According to the U.S. Constitution, a president’s veto cannot be overridden.
D a two-thirds vote in either chamber
Question #18
A agency representation.
B delegate representation.
C trustee representation.
D sociological representation.
Question #19
A The president selects the Speaker of the House from the majority party in the House.
B The representative with the longest tenure in the House is the Speaker of the House.
C The elected leader of the majority party in the House is the Speaker.
D The vice president of the United States is also Speaker of the House.